"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Still in the Hospital

We are now four days post-surgery, and Paul is still in the hospital.  Yesterday was rough.  From what the doctors have been saying this morning, it looks like he will be here a few more days.  They are trying to manage his pain, but he has moments where it is pretty intense.  He also needs to be able to take in food and keep it down.  Chicken broth and jello, here we come!

I've been at the hospital almost the entire time, although I've gone home for a few hours to change clothes, see the kids, and take care of a few tasks.  I have also been spending the nights at the hospital. I'm so blessed that Paul's parents are taking such good care of the kids.

We would appreciate continued prayer.  Paul had hoped to feel a lot better than he does at this point, and I think he's a bit discouraged.  I am feeling pretty tired, though the Lord continues to bring sweet moments of encouragement through people I come in contact with at the hospital.  I haven't had much time to journal, so I'm hoping to be able to sit with my journal at some point and recount all of the ways God has shown His love and care for us through the last several days.  He's been very gracious.

The verse God gave me this morning is Ps. 145:14-- "The Lord upholds all those who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down."

I'll continue to post updates here as we move forward.  Thank you for continued prayer.


Janet said...

Will continue to pray for complete healing and strength. So thankful you have Paul's parents there! Praying for you all, friend!!!

Tom K said...

Paul and Heidi,

Thank you so much for the updates. We will be praying for Paul's pain to be removed and for continued healing. It never seems to go as fast as we would like but hang in there.