"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back to the Hospital- January 26

Paul is in the hospital again tonight.  He has been suffering with a bad cold, but he began to have more abdominal pain and some other digestive symptoms.  I called the surgeon's office this morning and talked with the dear nurse that has been such a tremendous blessing to us (May God richly bless Kathy).  They planned to have us come in this afternoon, but later decided to have Paul go to the hospital for a CT scan first.  I was driving Paul to the hospital when he suddenly got light-headed and passed out.

By God's grace, I was less than a minute from the hospital, so I pulled into the ER drive, ran in, and got some help.  By the time they came out with the gurney, Paul was beginning to come to consciousness again.  A few minutes later he was fully responsive.

We spent the afternoon at the ER.  They did tests and a CT scan and discovered that the side of his colon opposite the surgery site is inflamed.  They have no idea why this has happened.  He will be evaluated tomorrow by the surgeon, a GI doctor, and possibly an infectious disease doctor.  We have no idea if he will come home tomorrow or if he will stay longer.

It is a tremendous blow to hear this news.  We have been so hopeful that Paul's surgery would solve the problems that he has had for so long, but it seems as though there might be some other underlying problem.

Please pray for Paul.  His body is still so weak, he is stressed and anxious about needing to work, and he is now discouraged at the possibility that the surgery may not be the end of the problems.  We are thankful that the Lord is near to us, even in these difficult days.

"Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

God knows our frame and remembers that we are dust.  Our flesh and our hearts may fail, but God is the strength of our hearts and our portion forever. That is my assurance tonight.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Oh Heidi! What a long journey this is becoming. We fervently pray that the doctors get this dealt with and you all can move forward with the recovery. So thankful you were close to the hospital when Paul passed out. Praying for much peace, in your hearts, and sleep tonight.

Much love!