"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bad Bacteria

An evening update--

Paul has had a horrible day, and I thank everyone for the prayers.  Just a bit ago a culture came back positive for the bacteria C. diff.  Most people have it commonly in their intestinal tract, but it is super resistant to antibiotics and takes the first opportunity it gets to grow unchecked after everything else gets killed by other antibiotics.   He is now going to be on some super strong antibiotics to try to kill the C. diff.   This means several more days in the hospital, and a continuation of some awful intestinal symptoms that come with the bacterial infection.  He is miserable and very low in spirit as well.

Please pray:

1.  That the antibiotics would clear up this infection.
2.  That Paul's heart would be upheld by the Spirit that is even now making intercession for him before the Father.
3.  That he will continue to heal from the surgery with no other surgical complications.  He is still in a lot of pain.
4.  That the children will continue to do well with my in-laws and that they wouldn't worry.
5.  That I will have energy far beyond my own sleep-deprived resources, and that I would minister grace to Paul in every way possible.
6.  That I will remain healthy.  C. diff is contagious, but normal healthy adults generally have enough other armies of intestinal bacteria to keep C. diff in check.
7.  That God would be glorified somehow through our extreme weakness.

It is gut-wrenching to see him so ill and not be able to do much for him.  We are so appreciative of the prayers.  Visitors are probably not a good idea right now while he feels so bad, but I will read him any e-mails.  You can leave a comment here or send him an e-mail at pstreetmanlaw@gmail.com.

As I sit at the hospital, I am now forced to ponder this question:  Since God created everything for His own glory, how in the world could something like bad bacteria glorify God?  I truly have no idea, but maybe it's just by bringing countless people who think we're so big and tough to our knees over something so very microscopic.

All I know is that He made the bad bacteria, so He is bigger than they are, and He loves to hear the prayers of His children.

Praying for a restful night for Paul...


Kate said...

Thinking of you and following your progress from far away, Paul & Heidi. I'm remembering what dear friends you were to me at Cedarville...now a LONG time ago! Sending prayers and hugs from St. Louis,
Kathryn Larsen Leary

Mark Kakkuri said...

Dear Paul and Heidi,

Praying earnestly for you at this time... Your list of specific prayer requests is so helpful...

