"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Be Still...

It seems I haven't gotten much time to write on this little blog for the past several months.  Life happens, and the minutes available to write don't come around very often.  I've always resisted letting our family get too busy, but I'm beginning to realize that I'm going to have to work even harder to really evaluate each potential schedule change.

We've been into school now for three weeks, and as the academics get harder and higher, we have more to do.  I also have 14 piano students this year, which is a great help to our family financially.  Along with their academics, the kids are in band again, and we joined a new co-op so the kids could take a few more classes.  Yep, the calendar got full without even hardly trying.  Paul is also about to finish up an advanced law degree, so with his practice, school, and being in the Reserves, he has quite a full calendar too.

In the midst of it all, finding time to "Be still and know that He is God" becomes a daily challenge.  I find my mind clicking from one calendar item to the next, one school subject to the next, one song to the next.  I wish my mind clicked as quickly from one Bible verse to the next, one attribute of God to the next, one great life-altering truth to the next.  That takes far more discipline, but the funny thing is that the spiritual discipline has such an effect on the way I view our lives and activities.  I can very easily become overwhelmed and do everything in my own strength without pleading daily with God for help with each little item.

So the Lord is opening my eyes to see that this is going to be my challenge this fall-- to "be still" in the midst of a schedule that is anything but still.

I sit here this morning with my coffee beside me, pleading for that grace to find the stillness that will give the peace I need in the midst of swirling days.

On we move into fall, and I'm leaning in to hear the Voice that echoes above all the busy days-

"Be still and know that I am God."

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