"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Week of Pictures- Day 3: Blueberry Picking

"Berry Picking" was one of the items on our Summer Bucket List.  One day in August, some friends took us to their favorite blueberry farm, and we came home with fifteen pounds of berries!  A few of them even made it to the freezer!  Here are a few pictures...

I've given a lot of thought to the sign pictured above.  We tend to see bees as a nuisance or difficulty, but without them to pollinate the flowers on the bushes, no fruit would grow.  It's true for my life too.  I've often seen the Lord produce fruit through the difficult times and the hard circumstances. 

Isn't it just like the Lord to continue to teach me important things about Himself-- even through unexpected things like a small sign taped to a counter at a blueberry farm?  

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