"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Week of Pictures- Day 2: The Window Herb-Garden

I have a sunny kitchen window that has almost no window sill.  I have always wanted to grow herbs in that window, but I never knew how to accomplish it.  Last spring, I started researching herb gardens and finally found what I was looking for-- an idea for a way to hang them in the window.

Paul grew the herbs from seed for me.  I saved coffee cans, wrapped them in some twine I found in the garage, and purchased two $3 tension rods.  I had some small chip-board letters that someone had given me, so Sarah and I made little tags for the cans.  We also used the letters to spell "Grow in Grace" in the middle of the rods.

I started out with dill, oregano, basil, and parsley.  The dill got really tall and went to seed recently, but the oregano, parsley, and basil are still going strong.  I think next year instead of dill, I'm going to try thyme!

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