"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Month, New Look

I was reading an article the other day, and the author said she would swear that for teachers and parents, February is the longest month of the year-- despite the fact that it is the shortest one in the calendar.  I think I can really relate this year.

Ah, but there is hope yet!  March has arrived, raging in with all of its bluster and blow, and carrying with it the promise of spring that is just around the corner.  I have begun to see a few sprouts in my yard peeking their little green heads out to see if we are ready for them to make their grand entrance.  I always feel like doing cartwheels in the dead grass when those first few shoots come popping up through the earth!

In honor of spring coming and the hopefulness that I feel with things getting more settled,  I decided to get rid of the dark background on this blog and pay my respects to spring!  We have come through a dark time by God's grace, we've seen God provide in amazing ways, and I guess everything in my life feels ready for things to be lighter and brighter-- including this blog.

New month, new look, but same Jesus-- yesterday, today and forever!

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