"O Taste and See that the Lord is good!" - Ps. 34:8

Friday, August 31, 2012

If George Muller Registered His Kids for Band...

What would George Muller, the great hero of the faith, do if he had a 12-year-old boy who had begged for many years to play the tuba? (Of course, it had only now recently become a possibility since you have to be bigger than the tuba to play the tuba.)

He would pray as he registered that boy and his homeschooled siblings for a homeschool band.

He would pray on "new-family orientation night" as the band director talked to the boy and gently listened to his 12-year-old dreams.  He would pray as that wise band director encouraged the boy to start on a baritone instead-- it's smaller, a little easier to lug around, but still makes the transition to a tuba a great possibility down the road.

He would pray as he found out that a good, used baritone is anywhere from $600-$2000 to purchase  or $70 a month to rent. (Gulp.)  He might ask that boy if he's interested in the triangle instead, but he would smile when that boy said he'd really like to play the baritone.

He would search craigslist and Ebay, call music stores, and gather information in order to make a wise decision, but he'd still pray to the One who created music and brass and notes and songs-- pray that somewhere out there might be a baritone for a young boy, knowing all the while that the Great Giver of Music could provide one instrument among all the thousands of instruments.

And then he'd watch God provide a baritone to borrow for the year, one that's already owned by the band, one that's providentially not being used currently, one that will cost only a miniscule amount for the whole year instead of $70 a month.

Then he'd fall to his knees with tears of thankfulness, and he would get on his blog to tell his dear friends that nothing is too hard for the Lord-- that God has provided miraculously yet again.

Yes, that is what George Muller might do, if he had lived in the age of blogs and craigslist and homeschool band.  But prayer?  That transcends all technology and the information age.  The God of George Muller is my God and hears my prayers, even for things like instruments.

Once again, this great man of God who believed in the power of prayer and trusted in the unfailing provision of an Almighty Father reached down through the centuries to instruct and cheer on a mama who needed a baritone...

... for a 12-year old boy desperate to play the tuba one day.

Just this morning, He brought one that my son can use this year for just a small fee!  What a provision and answer to prayer!

May this boy and his newly-borrowed baritone ring out with low notes of highest praise.

Great Giver of Music, thank You.

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