Just before I put my children to bed tonight, we put the 279th link on the paper chain that is growing around our kitchen. Long ago it grew too long to get it all in one picture, but here are some recent pictures taken in the last couple of weeks!
In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers says, "What makes God so dear to us is not so much His big blessings to us, but the tiny things, because they show His amazing intimacy with us- He knows every detail of each of our individual lives." I have seen this vividly demonstrated countless times in the last 279 days, and I would have to say that if I've learned anything, I have learned much about depending on God to meet my needs instead of depending on my husband. It has always been very easy for me to run to Paul for help instead of running to the Lord.
I have seen the Lord in so many little details this year, but I just had to share this quick story...
I have always wanted a quilted Vera Bradley bag, but I could never justify the cost. They come in a myriad of colors and patterns, and they are quite expensive and boutiquish! I never told a soul-- even Paul- about wanting a one. It just seemed like a frivolous expense, and I am very content with the bags I have. But still-- all those cute, happy, bright colors!
In May, before Paul deployed, we went to visit his grandma. She is a fabulous seamstress, and she has helped me start learning to sew. While we were there, she and I took a trip to a fabric store for some things she needed. I saw this beautiful blue and yellow quilted fabric (I LOVE blue and yellow together!) and decided to sew my own summer bag. Grandma talked me through the project, and I eagerly purchased the fabric planning to get started as soon as Paul left.
After Paul deployed, though, I had to come to grips with the fact that I was not going to have time to do much of anything recreational this year, much less sew a bag. I was so sad not to make my cheery, quilted bag, and I often looked longingly at the material sitting in my bedroom closet. I just had to keep telling myself, "Not this year. Not this year," all the while swallowing my disappointment. I would tell myself, "The Lord knows. The Lord knows."
Every Christmas, we draw names for gift-giving on Paul's side of the family, and this year my sister-in-law, Darcie, had my name. On Christmas morning, I opened her gift, only to be struck absolutely speechless. When I finally could speak, I sat there looking in the box saying, "No way! No way!" She had given me a blue and yellow quilted Vera Bradley bag. I had never told anyone about wanting one, and the only person that knew about the material in my closet was Paul's grandma. The LORD knew it was there, though. Here are pictures of the material I bought and the bag Darcie gave me. I cry even as I write this because I am still so amazed. It is like the Lord said, "I know what is in your heart, and I know what kind of year this has been. Do you trust Me to work it all together for good?"
"O taste and see that the Lord is good"...even on day #279.